A new chest: chic breasts with a French touch

Article published in L’Officiel

Oversized implants are a thing of the past. Nowadays, women want to have breasts that are in harmony with their anatomy. Indeed, an improbably big breast is not aesthetic.

Choisir sa nouvelle poitrine : des seins chics à la Française | Paris | L'Institut Du Sein

The prosthesis must be selected to match the patient’s morphology and age. After a certain age, large breasts tend to look “old”. It is important to remain subtle in order to avoid parody. Breasts of reasonable size allow for more freedom and insolence.

The life span of the prosthesis is between 10 and 15 years on average. The prostheses must be changed when they break. The diagnosis is made by ultrasound.

It is possible to make breast augmentations with fat taken by liposuction. It is also possible to combine lipofillings with prostheses. The prosthesis is used to increase the volume of the breast while the fat allows to conceal the contours of the prosthesis.

Since January 2015 the French National Authority for Health has validated the use of lipofillings in the breasts.

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